tiistai 11. syyskuuta 2012

Shows on homeground and abroad!

Very late updates, but better now than never!


Two weeks ago me and my friend Salla travelled to Högbo international dogshow in Sweden. I had with me Ricky and his mum Lettu (Nightdream Issidore Ducasse), Salla had two schipperkes.

Ricky won Best of Breed with CACIB on saturday and Lettu was BB-2 with res-cacib. The breed judge was mr Bjarne Sörensen from Norway. We didn't stay for the finals while it was raining and everything we had was wet and muddy. 

On sunday Ricky was EXC/1 CQ BM-3 and Lettu EXC/1 CQ BB-2 res-cacib. Judge Elena Kruus, Estonia. The Schipperkes did also super, Linus (Coros Linus) acchieved Swedish and Internation Champion titles and Sissi (Coros Luna) Swedish Championship.

Monday was spent in Stockholm in a super sunny weather. Perfect trip despite the rain and mud in Högbo!



Son & Mother
Tourists in Stockholm

PORVOO all breeds show 
Judge: mr. Jens Myrman, Sweden

Ricky Best of Breed with CC! He was also picked among the 6 best in the group
Rickys sister "Pörrö" (Nightdream Jennifer Lopez) BOS and CC!

So proud of these two youngsters!