maanantai 6. toukokuuta 2013

Ricky new C.I.B* and C.I.E*

Last weekend Ricky got his last cacib that was needed to his international title. Thanks to the hunting result in Sweden he is now C.I.B* and C.I.E*! This was his first possible show to receive this last "time" cacib! We are so proud of this boy and thankful to Therese and Staffan for having Ricky in Sweden for hunting results!

*waiting for confirmation

4.5.2013, Tampere INT
Judge: Rodney McDowell, Ireland
Ricky BM-1 CACIB -> C.I.E* and C.I.B* and Best of Breed!
Critique: "Really lovely dog with excellent proportions and good character. Beautiful balanced head good muzzle. Nice topline good tight elbows and he moved really nice."

27.4.2013, Lahti INT
Judge: Anders Tunold-Hansen, Norway
Ricky, BM-2, res-cacib

Photo: Jari Kunnari

Monday 1.4. Lappeenranta national dog show
Breed judge: George Schogol, Group judge: Tuula Savolainen
Ricky: Best of Breed and 3rd in Group!

Saturday 30.3. Latvian Winner 2013, Riga
We had a "second day" today, both Ricky and his sister "Pörrö" Nightdrem Jennifer Lopez was BM-2 and BB-2 both with res cacibs.

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