lauantai 16. elokuuta 2014


Kokkola and Oulu Int shows 12.-13.7.2014

Two days, two shows and 1400 km of driving in excellent company.

Our first stop on Saturday was in Kokkola where Ricky won BOB CACIB and BEST IN GROUP! Thank you judges Panos Demetriou (breed) and Liliane De Ridder-Onghena (group)! Over 2400 dogs entered for this show.

Best in Show was held on Sunday and as we were in Oulu the next day we could sadly not enter to the final.

On Sunday in Oulu Ricky took it all by winning BOB, GROUP-1 and BEST IN SHOW!! Thank you so much judges Harry Tast (BIS), Saija Juutilainen (group) and Marjatta Pylvänäinen-Suorsa (breed). Over 2400 dogs entered to this show aswell!

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